Erasmus+ Exchange

If you are a student wanting to come to Estonia, contact your school Erasmus+ coordinator to find out whether your school has an Erasmus+ partnership with us. If there is an agreement you are eligible to apply for an Erasmus exchange with the EFCTS. Consult with your home university to find out about the next steps.

Currently we have bilateral agreements with the following HEIs:
Örebro School of Theology (Örebro, Sweden)
LCC International University (Klaipeda, Lithuania)
Evangelical Theological Seminary (Osijek, Croatia)
Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
Matej Bel University (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)
University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania)
University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia)
Evangelical Theological Faculty (Leuven, Belgium)

If you are an Erasmus+ coordinator, kindly email us at

Opportunities at the Estonian Free Church Theological Seminary:

Short Term Blended Mobility

Our classes take place as intensive weeks once a month for 3-4 days with some online content and a lot of independent study in between the intensive sessions.
Our Bachelor level programme is fully in Estonian, but you are welcome to join our Master’s level courses run in English, preferably the ones that have an online component already included. Contact us for details if you are interested, also if you are a Bachelor level student.

Each year in May we offer a special intensive where all of the on site content for a course is covered during the intensive and there is usually at least one course taught in English. Together with a short online component, you will get all the content and credits for the course within a short amount of time.

Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

In the fall of 2024 we plan to offer one Blended Intensive Program. Please contact us for more details and for the syllabi.

Courses in English 2023/24 Course Syllabi Erasmus Charter Erasmus Student Charter EN_Co-fundedbytheEU_RGB_POS