Jeesusest lähtuv jüngerlus / Discipleship originating from Jesus

13:15 / Koskla 18, Tallinn
Milline jüngerdaja oli Jeesus? Kuidas kirjeldab Piibel jüngerlust? Kuidas saan ma ise olla parem jüngerdaja ja millist mõju võiks see omada ühiskonnas?

Inglise keelses õppeaines "Discipleship originating from Jesus" võetakse põhjalikult ette jüngerluse olemus kui ka praktika.

Kursuse õppejõud kirjutab:
During this course our purpose is to show how a relevant theology -including a biblical understanding on discipleship - can strengthen and nourish somebody’s personal faith, how it could lead and hold a local church on the tack of Bible based ministry, and how these can eventually influence the whole society to be healthier spiritually.
This purpose can be reached by identifying, analysing and understanding the principles and main components of discipleship in the Holy Scriptures, and finding how these can be shape someone’s identity, the ministry practice as a natural result, overflow of this identity. We would like to see this Bible-based identity being worked out in concentric circles: in the person’s own ministry, in his or her local church, and eventually how this influencing the contemporary society as whole.
👨‍🏫 Õpetab Jozsef Steiner

06.02 kell 15.15-18.30 ja 07.02 09.00-14.45 📍Koskla 18, Tallinn
27.02 kell 11.00-12.30 📍 veebis

 Kursuse osalustasu on vabakuulajale 80 eurot ja neile, kes soovivad ka ainepunkte 120 eurot.
⚡️ Registreerumine hiljemalt 02.02 (vali õige aine).